Epístolas universales y Apocalipsis: Juan 1, 2 y 3, Santiago, Pedro 1 y 2, Judas, Apocalipsis (Estudio Biblico Catolico De Libros Liguori / Liguori Catholic Bible Study) (Spanish Edition)

Este volumen expone esas cartas que fueron dirigidas a la Iglesia católica (palabra griega que significa universal). En estos textos de enfoque general, todos los cristianos del mundo se sienten aludidos. A través de cada carta, los autores sagrados nos alientan como comunidad y nos comparten pautas para vivir como verdaderos cristianos. The early Church"s growth from a handful of disciples to a large community of followers forced the Church to become an institution that could cope with large numbers. In this volume, Father William A. Anderson probes several New Testament letters that were addressed to the "catholic," or universal, Church. General in nature, these letters welcomed and addressed all Christians. Through them, the writers were able to encourage whole communities and provide instruction on Christian living.