Benjamin - A Loving Story about a Family and Their Dog and His Lasting Impact on the Animal Kingdom
Price 10.11 - 19.95 USD
"Our task must be to free ourselves ... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." - Albert Einstein As all dog lovers know, a pet dog"s main purpose in life is to give its owners unconditional love. Those fortunate enough to have a pet like Benjamin also know this love comes with boundless energy, goodness, innocence, incredible intelligence and lots of great and often humorous stories. Benjamin chronicles the life of one dearly beloved pet"s journey through life with his humans. This book is the cornerstone of The Benjamin Project, an educational and fundraising initiative in Benjamin"s memory ( The vision for the Project includes a children"s picture book; a lesson plan and materials for one hour of classroom time at some point in the grade school curriculum about "Rescues" and the joys and responsibilities of pet ownership; an educational app for people of all ages; a casual and fun clothing line; and an army of advocates for the Benjamins of the world such as dogs, cats, horses and endangered species. All net proceeds from the sale of this book will go to animal charities and to education on responsible pet ownership.