I"ve Got Some Good News and Some Bad News: YOU"RE OLD: Tales of a Geriatrician, What to expect in your 60"s, 70"s, 80"s, and Beyond

Life is an aging process. Each of us will go through it in our own way. How we lead our lives when we are old, particularly as we near the end, is worth pondering. In this way, "I"ve Got Some Good News and Some Bad News: You"re Old" serves as a guide for all of us as we age, providing topics for contemplation and discussion with friends, family and colleagues. "You"re Old" uses real patient experiences to explore what happens as we age-physically, mentally, and socially. Each chapter concludes with Notes on Living Longer, a resource section providing topic-specific information on organizations, websites, and other expert sources that can help the reader better understand and prepare for the prize of surviving youth and middle-age: becoming old. "You"re Old" is written for all of us who aspire to AGE GRACEFULLY™. It is written for the physicians, nurses and other providers who care for seniors. The experiences explored in this book include the"good news and the bad" as the inevitable ravages of age intrude into the lives of Dr Bernstein"s patients. His acronym GRACE describes the secrets he has learned from his patients to lead a happy, healthier and long life.