Why I Pray in the Shower: A Journey From Fear to Belief in Myself

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Despite the title; I"m not a religious person and this isn"t a religious book. I simply try to believe that something created life and the universe for a reason. I added the subtitle "A Journey from Fear to Belief in Myself" because it helps describe my life, and so I wouldn"t push away anyone who doesn"t believe in some kind of god, or care if one exists. I feel anyone battling addiction can find comfort and inspiration in my story, and see that it"s possible to find true happiness without a drug. Family members and friends can also find comfort and inspiration in my story. I call myself a high bottom alcoholic in the book; I didn"t drink every day, get into any trouble, or lose everything. But drinking did cause problems in my life and I wasn"t happy with who I was. As a result, I attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and practiced The Twelve Steps, and I wrote about my experiences to help give people a truer understanding of how AA and The Steps can work in someone"s life. I no longer consider myself a member of AA or agree with everything in the literature, but I will always be grateful for the help I received from people in the rooms and The Twelve Steps. It enabled me to face my fears, become more confident, and find greater happiness until I was able to do so on my own. There are of course other paths some must take in order to get the help they need with what more experts now agree is a progressive, chronic, relapsing, and sometimes deadly brain disease. But unfortunately, there"s also the shame and stigma associated with addiction that keeps many people from seeking any help at all. Although I am not ashamed to call myself a recovered alcoholic, I feel no matter what drug we become addicted to, or how it may affect our behaviors, there should never be shame involved for anyone with an addiction.