Krystal Bull Rain Dancer

IT’S KRYSTAL’S THIRTEENTH BIRTHDAY —CAN HER LIFE GET ANY WORSE? It starts at one of her mum’s not-so-psychic sittings… and something unusual appears… “Jessie Parker, cowgirl and spirit guide—at your service.” Yep, a rootin’ tootin’ cowgirl from the Great Plains of the American Wild West. Turns out she has news just for Krystal—a mysterious inheritance from her great-great-great grandad, Lakota Sioux Chief Sitting Bull. Exciting, right? Except the news comes with a warning… “RED TOMAHAWK, A BAD SPIRIT—YOU’RE IN DANGER.” Danger? Krystal does not like the sound of that at all. Still, she wonders what Chief Sitting Bull left to her. When she discovers a mysterious key, her wonder grows—along with her own uncontrollable powers. At the end-of-year dance, her powers kick into high gear, and everyone sees—like dreamy Jason and horrible Donna. Even her best friend Lara thinks she’s gone crazy. Throw in a dangerous spirit hot on her trail, and it all makes for one bizarre birthday!