All Quiet on the Realty Front

The author spent a thirty plus year career in the real estate industry. The book is an easy to read collection of seventeen short stories or vignettes. Some certainly are sad, while others are humorous, and finally some...quite humbling. Perhaps the author"s favorite comment received was... "quite a disturbing, joyful compendium of stories"...Christine Bernstein. And from M A Murphy came..."struck by the range of emotions evoked". And finally..."Loved the stories. similar experiences in my career. Was told by many that I should write a book. You beat me to it...Congrats!" Hiraldo (not that one!) From the titled story "Riding Academy "comes...With all the diplomacy he could muster, Bob, much more with it in the ways of the world, explained to his uncle that on Friday and Saturday nights, the motel he had just left was referred to fondly as a "riding academy"! Jim muttered something unintelligible, but to this day, Bob swears his uncle had said "I Hadn"t seen any horses!" In the story titled "Not Making the Grade"...We shouted for someone to call the police or an ambulance. I don"t remember which. Jeff"s door was ajar and with weak knees and stomach, both Bob and I went in. There would be no need for an ambulance. Finally, from the story titled "The Secret Door"..."It is the author"s belief that a divorce never materialized, but one can only wonder what went on behind that secret door?" Book is formatted in fairly large print, graphics used in a sensitive manner, and while it is not the author"s goal to be labeled as the writer of a good "bathroom read"...hoping you enjoy wherever you might be!