The Color of Vengeance (The Ties That Bind) (Volume 2)
Price 15.40 - 20.95 USD
“The Color of Vengeance is not simply a revenge saga, no more than The Lies of Locke Lamora is simply a story of thieves. It’s much more than that and one of the best fantasy books I"ve read.” —FANTASY BOOK CRITIC Beaten, battered, and damned near broken with a bounty on his head so large he’s tempted to turn himself in, the Black Thorn finds himself on trial for the crime of being him. Despite the impending probability of death he has but one thought on his mind; taking revenge against the Arbiter who took his eye. In order to carry out his vengeance Thorn must first escape Sarth and recruit a new crew, each one with their own designs on revenge. PRAISE "I think Rob J. Hayes is the next fantastic Brit addition to the field of dark, gritty fantasy and another Indie gem after last year"s Anthony Ryan." —Mihir Wanchoo, Fantasy Book Critic