Psychic Surveys Book Two: Rise To Me - A Supernatural Thriller

From SHANI STRUTHERS, the bestselling author of the first in the series, THE HAUNTING OF HIGHDOWN HALL. "This isn"t a ghost we"re dealing with. If only it were that simple..." Eighteen years ago, when psychic Ruby Davis was a child, her mother - also a psychic - suffered a nervous breakdown. Ruby was never told why. "It won"t help you to know," the only answer ever given. Fast forward to the present and Ruby is earning a living from her gift, running a high street consultancy - Psychic Surveys - specialising in domestic spiritual clearance. Boasting a strong track record, business is booming. Dealing with spirits has become routine but there is more to the paranormal than even Ruby can imagine. Someone - something - stalks her, terrifying but also strangely familiar. Hiding in the shadows, it is fast becoming bolder and the only way to fight it is for the past to be revealed - no matter what the danger. When you can see the light, you can see the darkness too. And sometimes the darkness can see you.