The New Story: Two Poems
Price 8.95 - 9.62 USD
In this joyous offering "The New Story" presents two inspiring invitations to awakening in verse. The first poem, "The Next Act," begins: "This is the NEXT ACT--/ And this is the stage/ upon which/ Intelligence performs,/ invisible its hands that prepare this very moment/to unveil/momentously/ the Play/ of grand cosmic/ EVOLUTION." The second poem, "Our Fishbowl World" is a grand celebration of the wonders (amidst the horrors) of our beloved planet Earth as viewed by the Watchers of worlds": "Watchers of world,/ do you know/ all the little dizzying details of wonder here--/ The fitful, sunlit dance of butterfly,/ the hovering wing shimmer of dragonfly,/ the hummingbird"s delight in zigzag flight?..." Author and poet Ron Lampi taps into the fountain of infinite creativity to bring this soul stirring combination, wonderful to share aloud: "This is the time of telling/ the New Story--/ to let the first lines/ of its unfolding / to begin to be told,/ as I begin/ in poetry"s way..." Enjoy!