Where the Tides Meet - A Romance of the Gaspe

Leslie Carleton, traumatized at reaching the age of thirty, is determined to bring meaning to her life. Any thoughts of marriage and family in her world of fashion are mere fantasies. Bert has suggested they live together. Should one cling to the way one was brought up, or allow the future to take care of itself? Unable to come to any satisfactory decision, getting away from everything and everyone seemed the only way out of a dilemma. Is one"s future a private matter each person must decide for themselves? A lawyer friend highly recommends the Gaspé Peninsula for soul searching. Taking this advice, with the understanding that the destination be kept secret from well-meaning friends and lover, she leaves. That way, no one will be able to influence whatever decision may be arrived at. Can a person successfully run away from a problem? Is it really the coward"s way? Will a foolhardy plan solve a problem or will life step in and make a mockery of the attempt? All journeys are journeys of discovery.