Papee"s Quest

Papee"s Quest is a fact-based fiction about a little nation on the West Coast of Africa whose beginnings were mired in mystery, strife, jealousy, inequality and revenge perhaps? Such muddled characteristics would be injected into the DNA of the new nation (which would become the first independent nation in Africa) and corrupt its generations for more than a century; eventually exploding into the events of 1979, 1980 and 1989. It is also the story of that Liberian boy or girl who has been searching for answers since they learned to start asking questions; about the history of the country of their origin. We were once a nation united, but how is it that we have become a divided nation? We were once a proud people, so why all of a sudden have we been reduced to a people looking for handouts? The natural resources of our land are for the benefit of its people, but why is it being pillaged by western nations and the puppet leaders they install to rule over us. Since when does democracy mean a government favored and chosen by America and her allies and not the people of Liberia? And where are the answers to all these questions we seek? Yet again, Papee"s Quest is a story of LOVE! A story of HOPE, howbeit slim, yet hope nonetheless. A young man"s love for his country which he believes can only be achieved with first loving himself and his fellow man. It expresses itself as the hope of our fathers for a brighter future for their children. It begs to be that slim hope that a young generation will become knowledgeable about the failures and mistakes of our forbears and chart out a new path that will lead them to prosperity for all Liberians.