Bridge to Manipur

After the death of his wife Griff Charlesworth realized he"d deteriorated into redundancy. While returning to San Francisco from northern California, he pulled to the side of the road certain he was having a heart attack. It was just an anxiety attack. He arrived at the Golden Gate Bridge after midnight. At the mid-point on the bridge he noticed a young lady climbing over a protective barrier. Griff stopped his car and walked toward the woman preparing to jump. Griff learned her name was Chablis Ambani, a recent immigrant from India. She found the planet frightening on both sides and wanted to escape to the quiet of the deep waters of the Pacific. Griff persuaded her to help him, and he would help her, as they mapped out and forged new lives. Bridge to Manipur is the story of two people following the time honored arranged marriage custom as followed in India, but initiating the arrangement on their own time and terms. A love story to be sure, but also an adventure from India to the Rocky Mountain West, to New York City, and back to California. Marlowe Wood grew up in the Northwest. He graduated from various colleges and universities; his favorite was in San Francisco. He worked as a lifeguard, a deputy sheriff reserve, a painter, and eventually became an educator, teaching in both the United States and Japan. The second of ten children, he is married, with four children. He and his wife live in Memphis, Tennessee.