Things May Work Out This Time
Price 10.50 - 10.68 USD
Professor Donald Powers teaches pharmacology and toxicology. He developed his own toxicology laboratory, naming his business Caroken. Don possesses a genius IQ and is a member of Mensa, the high IQ society. When his friend"s aircraft is shot down, he gets a degree in crime scene investigation and earns a private detective license. His detective efforts decrease the sales of illegal arms, and his investigation of the White Tong puts a stop to the loss of taxes owed to the IRS. His job done, he decides to retire. The story begins with an argument between Don and Duke, a friend who is an FBI agent. Duke wants Don to join forces to bring the leaders of the Black Tong to justice. Don decides to join Duke in his efforts. While Don was successful in his efforts the first time around with the White Tong, what will happen this time around? Thomas D. Darby wrote scientific papers and grants during his career. After retirement, he published six books. This is his seventh. He grew up in Charleston, South Carolina, and graduated from Mitchell School, The High School of Charleston, The Citadel, has a master"s in pharmacology, and a doctor of philosophy from the Medical University of South Carolina. After a career in medical education, he now lives in Tampa, Florida. "I am 89 years old and have been married for 70 years. I am a distinguished professor emeritus from the Medical School, University of South Carolina, and a researcher for the University of Louisville, Kentucky Health Science Center." Publisher"s website: