Temperance Lloyd: Hanged for Witchcraft 1682

Temperance Lloyd, Susannah Edwards and Mary Trembles of Bideford were the last three women hanged in England as witches, in 1682. Why? Educated, thinking people sent them to the gallows. The man we know for the King James Bible legalized the hunting and killing of hundreds of his own subjects. Physicians, trained only in "Discourse", accused the natural healers of witchcraft. The women were declared guilty because, according to the Church, to deny witchcraft was to deny God; convicted on hearsay evidence; and executed to appease an angry mob. But who were they? This novel invites you between the lines of history to witness their lives and deaths. This historical novel questions accepted notions of Time. Perhaps Temperance is still with today"s herbalists. What if those old men in the dark corner of every bar have been there forever? Are there still leaders living in the paranoid shadows of a personal trauma? Come, meet Temperance, Susannah and Mary. Then please remember them, "In the Hope of an End to Persecution and Intolerance", by signing a Petition to the U.K., Government to Pardon of Temperance Lloyd, Susannah Edwards and Mary Trembles for the crimes they could not have committed.