Undreamed Shores

2400 BC. The dawn of the Bronze Age. The era of Stonehenge. Swept off course by the tides at the end of his first trading voyage, his boat overturned and his companions gone, Amzai is washed up on the shores of an unknown land. As he recovers, he finds Nanti, a young woman, caring for him. If Amzai is to have any hope of survival, let alone return home, he must first master the unfamiliar language and customs of Nanti’s tribe. As the summer ends, Amzai and Nanti embark on a journey of discovery that will change not only their lives, but those of everyone around them. Only when they arrive at their destination will they realise the significance of the voyage they have undertaken, and understand their roles in the new world that it has brought into being. Undreamed Shores is a historical novel full of adventure and discovery.