Okhota na Berggol"ts: Leningrad 1937

Price 9.88 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785988461142

Brand Mir'

Producer Мiръ

Pages 464

Year of production 2015

Binding 60x90/16

Ol"ga Berggol"ts (1910-1975), a famous Russian poet, well-known for her Day Stars and diaries. This book is about the party baiting of her in 1937: expelling from the Writers Union and cancelling her candidacy for the Communist Party. It publishes the minutes of party meeting in the Union and the biggest Leningrad plant Elektrosila where Berggol"ts was registered as a candidate. This collection provided with extensive comments (pp. 131-375) allows one to learn new facts in Berggol"ts"s life and better understand life in the writers" organization in the years of the Great terror, the micro mechanics of the everyday terror. Most documents of party archive for this period were intentionally destroyed. Therefore the documents included in the book have more historical value. Name index. (0.545 kg.)