Sans Famille (French Edition)
Price 9.77 USD
Livre peut avoir de nombreuses fautes de frappe, le texte manquant, des images ou des index. Les acheteurs peuvent télécharger une copie gratuite scannée du livre original (sans fautes de frappe) de l"éditeur. 1902. Extrait: ... VOCABULARY abaisser, to lower; s" --, to drop, to be lowered. abandonner, to abandon, to give up. abasourdi, dumbfounded. abattre, to beat down; s" --, to fall or swoop upon. aboiement, m., bark, barking. abominable, nasty, abominable. d"abord, at first. aborder, to touch, approach. aboyer, to bark. abri, m., shelter. abriter, to shelter. absence, /., absence. absorber, to absorb. absurde, ridiculous. accablé, overwhelmed. accent, m., accent. accentuer, to accentuate. accepter, to accept. accessoire, m., accessories, property. accompagner, to accompany. accomplir, to accomplish. accorder, to agree, to tune, to grant, to allow. accourir, to run, to hasten; -- au devant de, to run to meet. accoutumer, to accustom. accrocher, to hang, to fasten. accueil, m., greetmg, welcome, reception. accusation, /., accusation, in dictment, prosecution. accusé, m., prisoner. accuser, to accuse. achat, m., purchase. acheter, to buy. achever, to complete; s" --, to end, to corne to an end. acquérir, to acquire. acquisition,/., acquisition, purchase. acquitter, to acquit. acteur, m., actor. adieu, m., farewell. admettre, to admit. administration, /., administration, control. admirable, fine, admirable. admiration,/., admiration. adopter, to adopt. adouci, kind. adresse,/., skill. adresser, s" --, to speak to, to address. adroit, skillful. affable, kind, affable. affaiblir, to weaken. affaire, /., affair, thing, business. affaisser, to sink down, to weaken. affecter, to touch, to affect. affection,/., affection. affectueux, affectionate. affectueusement, affectionately. afin que, in order that. affligé, downcast. affluent, m., branch, tributary, stream. affoler, to make very fond, to madden, to frighten. affreux, terrible, hideous, awful....