Oxford Reading Tree Read with Biff, Chip, and Kipper: Levels 4-5: Phonics Activity Sticker Book

Read With Biff, Chip and Kipper is the UK"s best-selling home reading series, it is based on Oxford Reading Tree which is used in 80% of primary schools. This Read With Biff, Chip & Kipper Phonics Activity Book contains lots of colourful activities and stickers to help your child practise their letters and sounds just as they do at school. At Level 3-4 this book practises key phonics skills such as learning the numerous ways we read one sound such as the sound "ai" as in train, play, lake, angel. It also includes tips for parents and support on the page for every activity. This series of activity books has been carefully levelled to support your child step-by-step as he/she progresses with their phonic knowledge and as they build their confidence as a reader. Reading Skills Activity Books are also available at the same level to practise common words and early reading and writing skills. Essential support for parents is available through www.oxfordowl.co.uk. Visit the Oxford Owl for practical advice for helping children learn to read, all you need to know about phonics and lots of fun activities and free eBooks.