Strukova EN Alternative periodicals in the history of multiparty system in Russia (1987-1996) 312 pp. Per. The monograph is devoted to the unique phenomenon in the political history of Russia. The study was conducted on the collection of non-traditional m / Strukova E.N. Alternativnaya periodicheskaya pechat v istorii rossiyskoy mnogopartiynosti (1987-1996) 312 s., per. Monografiya posvyashchena unikalnomu yavleniyu v politicheskoy istorii Rossii. Issledovanie provodilos na materialakh kollektsi

This monograph studies a unique phenomenon in the Russian political history of the last decades of the 20th century: independent alternative (informal and non-traditional) periodical press. The research is conducted on the materials of the immense collection of non-traditional press of the State Public Library and the "Open Society" Archive. The author studies the publishing in the context of political life and the formation of a multi-party system in the Gorbachev and Yel"tsin epochs. Indices and bibliography.