Khao Shong Coffee Instant Coffee Richly Aromatic 100% Coffee Net Wt 45 G (1.58 Oz) X 5 Bags

Price 11.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 8852099010611

"Genuine full-flavoured richly aromatic 100% coffee"The essence of Thai coffee (100% coffee) "Thai coffee is carefully processed from selected time thai coffee beans. Full boil rich aroma and smooth taste.Khao Shong coffee was founded in 1959 at the Khao Kra Shong National Park in Trang province, southern Thailand. It began When Mr.Chira Chiralerspong, the founder, noticed that wild coffee beans were scattered on both sides of the road. He picked it up and found that they are coffee beans. Mr. Chira, through his experience in the observation of coffee production in Indonesia, had collected the wild coffee beans at the Park and roasted it in different ways untill he found the perfect flavour which was rich in aroma and fine taste.