Guinness World Records 60 Years of

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781908843913

Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2014-11-20 Publisher: Macmillan For 60 years Guinness World Records has celebratedthe world"s most remarkable human and animalachievements. natural wonders and feats ofinnovation In doing so. it has inspired generationsof record-setters and GWR fans alike.. and has set itsown record for all-time bestselling annual publication (over 130 million copies sold!). In this special diamond anniversary book. weshare 60 of the most iconic. heart-warming andworld-changing records. year by year from 1955 totoday. Illustrated with stunning photography. theserecords show how Guinness World Records hasacted as a mirror to the evolving world around us.From pioneering space exploration and unrivalledsporting achievements to supersized animals andincredible human bodies. there"s something herefor everyone. Perhaps it will even inspire the nextgeneration o...