Ayurvedic Joint Health
Price 21.29 USD
Ayurvedic Joint Health provides nutritional support for the skeletal system. This system takes a lot of punishment: from heavy lifting, to sedentary living, to a less than optimal level of necessary nutrients. Exercise and nutrition play very important roles in the development and strengthening of the skeletal system. It is of the utmost importance to seek a balanced environment that will contribute to skeletal health. Ayurvedic Joint Health"s Western counterpart is Joint Support. This formula contains the following: Withania somnifera root Commiphora mukul gum extract Smilax china root Boswellia serrata gum Holarrhena antidysenterica bark Paederia foetida leaf extract Vitex negundo leaf extract Apium graveolens seed Boerhaavia diffusa root Trachyspermum ammi fruit Tribulus terrestris fruit Cyperus rotundus tuber Tinospora cordifolia stem Trigonella foenum-graeceum seed Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily.