One Chance

Price 15.68 USD

Set in the high-adrenaline world of competitive show-jumping, this is a tale of love against the odds from a bright new writing talent. Being a showjumper is all Matt has ever dreamed of. But the glamour of the main ring is a far cry from the hard graft of the stableyard, where Matt must work his way up from the very, very bottom, and sacrifice almost everything to pursue his dreams. But once you"re in the ring, it"s all worth it. Matt has never known a thrill like it -- until he meets Liz. Liz is a girl who has it all. She"s rich, beautiful and owns the best horse in the country. She and Matt come from different worlds, but in the tight-knit showjumping community, they find themselves thrown closer together. But Liz isn"t all that she appears to be.