TTOXL129-ST-RVC TomTom One XL ST Air Vent Mount

Price 8.48 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 47407541293

Brand Arkon

Manufacture Arkon Resources, Inc.

Arkon"s TTOXL129-SRVC Mount includes a breakthrough in mounting technology, Arkon"s new removable swivel air vent pedestal and the Dual T to TomTom ONE XL 1st Edition and ONE XL-S 1st Edition slide in pattern adapter plate. The air vent pedestal features a spring loaded swivel mechanism. The removable air vent pedestal can be moved easily from vehicle to vehicle without damaging your vents, when used properly. It"s the perfect travel companion. This solution is designed for use only with vehicle"s having horizontal air vent louvres.