EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 46677220464

Brand Philips

Manufacture Philips Lighting

Her Royal Highness,the Queen,is still unwed despite being in her early thirties.Since she is an only daughter with no prospect of bearing a child in the foreseable future,the royal succession is left in uncertainty when the current heir to the throne mets a sudden death.Seizing the opportunity afforded by this crisis,the conservative faction,which presently holds sway at the Court,begins plotting for the crown.Sensing the threat,the Queen secretly searches for a new Crown Prince outside the palace walls and discovers Lee Hu,a young man who has been making his living by delivering Chinese food,in complete ignorance of his royal heritage. Hu,who has never even dreamed of becoming the King,is unexpectedly ushered into the palace and subjected to strict training to become the royal heir.This is where the main action of " Prince Hours S " Hu is forced to compete with Lee Jun,the perfect candidate for Crown Prince strongly backed by the extended royal family......