Boris Akunin."Leviathan."(In Russian.)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785815900950

Brand Moskva.

Akunin prodolzhayet svoy ryad, v kotorom teper" uzhe byvshiy sledovatel" Moskvy konkuriruyet za tsentral"noye mesto s zyb" , vozglavlyayemykh frantsuzskim komissarom politsii , khitraya avantyuristka pokhvastat"sya bol"she, chem yeye dolya psevdonimov i roskoshnyy parokhod , kotoryy poyavlyayetsya suzhdeno umyshlennoye unichtozheniye v Indiyskom okeane .Akunin continues his series in which the now former Moscow investigator competes for center stage with a swell-headed French police commissioner, a crafty adventuress boasting more than her fair share of aliases, and a luxurious steamship that appears fated for deliberate destruction in the Indian Ocean.