Price 299.99 USD
The FixMeStick PRO Finds:3 anti-virus engines working together cover the widest range of infections. Removes: Computer-on-a-stick provides a separate and clean system. Remote Access:independent of the host OS, i.e. out-of-band management, like a remote access card for PCs. Easy to support: Any removal operation is 100% reversible. Systems: Any PC; A minimum of 512 MB of RAM. Detections: Three anti-virus scanners provide the super-set of all three detections. Each scanner is loaded into RAM, and files are fetched from disk once and passed to each scanner in parallel. Scan time on par with desktop on-demand system scans. Connectivity: Automatically seeks an Internet connection at startup. If booted from Windows it will automatically use the default WiFi SSID and password. Downloads program and malware definition updates and stores them on the FixMeStick. Authentication: Each FixMeStick has a unique serial number in its firmware that identifies the FixMeStick to the FixMeStick Management Server. Remote Remediation:The FixMeStick Management Server usage information includes: Scan start\end timestamp An endpoint id FixMeStick serial number and tag Number of files scanned Number of files total The name and path to the malware found Each FixMeStick also contains a TeamViewer client. Users enters the key-combination "CTRL-ALT-R" and the TeamViewer client will display.