Sbornik Russkogo Istoricheskogo Obshchestva: Tom 5 (153): Rossiia i Sredniaia Aziia

The Proceedings of the Russian Historical Society started in 1867 and stopped after the revolution of 1917. The series resumed in 1999 with issue 1(149) as an academic publication, which does not publish political journalism or historical novels. (153rd) volume is about the history of relations of the Russian Empire with states of Central Asia and of their joining the Russian Empire. This volume also continues a series of publications about the lives and works of V.N. Tatishchev and D.M. Balashov. Also included are the most recent works of member scholars of the Society, and reference and bibliographic publications, information about new publications of the Society. Name index. Contents of prospective volumes. Volume 2 (150), 4 (152), and standing order are available.