Twitter In 30 Minutes (2nd Edition): How to connect with interesting people, write great tweets, and find information that"s relevant to you

Are you interested in using Twitter, but don"t know where to start? The revised and expanded edition of Twitter In 30 Minutes is here to help! This Twitter guide will walk you through the basics, using plain English, step-by-step instructions and lots of images that show exactly what to do. In no time, you"ll learn how to: Create a new Twitter account online or on your phone Customize your Twitter profile with photos and a bio that"s right for you Navigate Twitter and the Twitter icons, the Twitter app, and Follow other Twitter accounts … and block those you don"t like Identify local people and organizations using Twitter Find people who share the same interests and hobbies Compose great Tweets and share photos Use hashtags, retweets, and other Twitter conventions There"s more. Twitter In 30 Minutes shows you how all kinds of people use Twitter to promote their businesses, connect with their followers, explore their interests, and have fun! It includes lots of real-world examples, from everyday people to celebrities. Authored by award-winning technology journalist Ian Lamont, the revised second edition of Twitter In 30 Minutes covers Twitter"s new interface for the Web as well as the Twitter app for the iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets. More than 40 screenshots have been updated, along with tutorials for Twitter registration on iOS and Android devices. Twitter In 30 Minutes is a perfect introduction to people who are new to Twitter, as well as those who already have accounts and want to learn how to get the most out of Twitter. Buy the guide today! Here"s what real readers are saying about Twitter In 30 Minutes: "I"ve been tweeting for over a year but learned a lot if helpful details I hadn"t been aware of until now. Lots of easy to understand info, and good instructions with screenshots that make it easy to understand. Thanks for the help and making Twitter even more fun." "Just the quick, light intro I wanted. No annoying bits of philosophy. Some careful warnings about privacy and courtesy are included. You really can skim it in 30 minutes." "Easy to read and actually fun to fire up my twitter account and play along with each chapter. Everyone has 30 spare minutes spread out over a week (if not a day) to read this guide." "I quickly set up a Twitter account and started using it within a half hour. I would recommend this book for anyone who doesn"t have a Twitter account, for those who do have one but aren"t actively using it, and for those who aren"t quite sure how to get the most out of their account." "Though I have been using Twitter for some time now, I still learned a thing or two from reading this." "Clarified any issues I had or concerns and listed some excellent precautions." "Perfect introduction to Twitter. Quick and easy read with lots of photos. I finally understand the #!" The IN 30 MINUTES series of guides is not associated with other companies, brands, or trademarks, including Twitter and "For Dummies" books. IN 30 MINUTES is a registered trademark of i30 Media Corporation.