The Complete Works Of John L. Motley; Volume I - The Rise of the Dutch Republic - A History

JOHN LOTEROP MOTLEY - The position of Motley in the world of letters is unique. He was the first American historian to tell the story of a foreign country with such fullness of research, with such scholmly ability, and with such wide general acceptance, that his work at once became a classic. Prescot Ticknor, and Irving had indeed preceded him, and with the supposcd advantage of writing upon more rctmantia and fascinating subjects, because dealing with tlro older and southern Europe. Yet MotIey showed that not only could the glory of romance enhalo even a little northern country mapped in fog and cloud, but that the actual facts when set in sober narrative made the story more wonderfnl than that of Spain, while vastly more morally beitntiful and more helpful to the lover of liberty..........