Jewish Life in the Middle Ages
Price 19.56 - 20.30 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1919 edition. Excerpt: ... INDEX II GENERAL INDEX Aaron b. Meir, quoted, 156. Ab, fast of, 17, 57, 345. Abdulrahman III, Caliph, 305. Abraham de Balmes, 422. Abraham Ibn Ezra, 216, 290. Abraham Ibn ol Fakkhar, 361. Abraham Ibn Sahl, 361. Abraham Izaaki, quoted, 138. Abrahams, B. L., quoted, 62, etc., 233, 244, etc. Absentee husbands, 89. Achin, Jews interpreters at, 232. Acrostics, 385. Addison, L., quoted, 87, 112, etc. Adler, H., quoted, 239. Adler, M., quoted, 334, 352. Adrianople, Jews of, 254, 284. Africa, cemeteries, 78; costume in, 283; prisoners, 336, 338. Agricultural pursuits, 213, 225. Akiba and May marriages, 184. Alais, Jews of, 103. Albertus Magnus, 406. Albigenses and Jews, 202. Albuquerque (navigator), 232. Alexandria, ancient settlement in, 240, 266. Alfonso V of Portugal, 336. Alfonso the Wise, 305. Algiers, polygamy in, 119; costume in, 283; pirates in, 338. Alms, see Poor. Alphabet, how taught, 350. Amram, Gaon (9th century), 239. Amsterdam, Hebrew school, 267; Jews of, 270 seq.; charity organi- zation, 316, 333; vernacular prayers, 347; Marranos in, 363. Amulets, 182, 289. Amusements, 262, chs. xxi, xsii. Anagni, taxation at, 41. Anatoli and Michael Scotus, 419. Andalusia under the Moors, 305. Angers, Jewish quarter, 62; Jews for- bidden to bathe in Maine, 73; immorality in, 94. Anjou, tax on crossing bridge, 48. Anselm of Parengar, 149. Antioch, glass manufactory, 218. Antipathy to Jews, 85, 400 seq. Apostates, 12, 402. Aquinas, Thomas, 406. A. R. (= Alexander Ross), quoted, 331- Arabic, in prayer, 201, 345; in litera- ture, 353, 360, 371. Arabo-Spanish culture, 369 seq. Aragon, 66, 306, 401. Aramaic in prayer, 345, 351. See Targum. Archery, 375. Archimedes, 365. Architecture, 30, 220. Archon of the synagogue, 33. Aristotle, 237, 365-370....