Praying the Bible for Your Baby

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781578560868

Claim God’s Promises for Your Little Blessing! EVERY MOTHER KNOWS having a baby is an awe-inspiring (and fear-inspiring) responsibility. As you breathlessly await the arrival of your bundle of joy or gaze in amazement at the sweet-scented miracle cradled in your arms, you realize that this tiny, extraordinary human being is completely helpless and counting on Mommy–you! You know you need God’s help to raise this baby. Yet, like many other new mothers, you may struggle to find the words to express your deepest desires and emotions to the Lord. Wonderfully, at such times the very words you seek may be found in Scripture. For God’s Word is overflowing with incredible prayers, expressions of faith, and promises for you and your child, and you can claim each and every blessing–by faithfully and lovingly Praying the Bible for Your Baby.