The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, Thirty-First Edition, for PDA: Powered by Skyscape, Inc. (Lippincott Manual Series (Formerly known as the Spiral Manual Series))

Price 121.71 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780781752800, 9780863414893

Established for over 40 years as the “Bible” of the medical ward, The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics is now in its Thirty-First Edition and builds upon that proud tradition—with even more of the current information you need, with a focus on inpatient care, delivered in a timesaving, quick-reference style. This edition includes the latest facts on nosocomial infections, West Nile virus, and agents of bioterrorism; the latest management of AIDS/HIV; and current JNC VII guidelines for management of hypertension. Drug appendices have a new quick-scanning format for rapid information retrieval. Platform: Palm OS, Windows CE, and Pocket PC handheld devices The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington University.