The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, Thirty-First Edition, for PDA: Powered by Skyscape, Inc. (Lippincott Manual Series (Formerly known as the Spiral Manual Series))
Price 121.71 USD
Established for over 40 years as the “Bible” of the medical ward, The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics is now in its Thirty-First Edition and builds upon that proud tradition—with even more of the current information you need, with a focus on inpatient care, delivered in a timesaving, quick-reference style. This edition includes the latest facts on nosocomial infections, West Nile virus, and agents of bioterrorism; the latest management of AIDS/HIV; and current JNC VII guidelines for management of hypertension. Drug appendices have a new quick-scanning format for rapid information retrieval. Platform: Palm OS, Windows CE, and Pocket PC handheld devices The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington University.