Digital Design for Interference Specifications, Second Edition: A Practical Handbook for EMI Suppression

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780750672825

Based on over twenty years of hands-on experience with electromagnetic interference (EMI), Digital Design for Interference Specifications provides circuit designers concrete rules that can be applied immediately to the design of new digital products. The authors" techniques emphasize EMI source suppression at the printed circuit board level and considers shielding only as a last resort. The material is written in a how-to format with brief qualitative explanations of why or how design recommendations suppress emissions or reduce susceptibility. The described approaches toward design and prevention of EMI will save manufacturers time, product cost, and enhance manufacturability. Best of all, designers will not have to be EMI gurus to implement these processes but they will definitely look like experts when the final outcome is assessed. Digital Design for Interference Specifications is a very well written book targeted directly toward circuit designers and EMI professionals. The authors built a consulting company out of the knowledge presented in the book working with a huge list of clients over the years. The material is written to directly apply to circuit designers" projects helping them save money and time on each design. The book is heavily and clearly illustrated. A practical, hands-on guide to EMI suppression and prevention. Written by circuit designers for use by circuit designers. Heavily illustrated and easy to read.