Cultures in Contrast
Price 24.47 USD
Cultures in Contrast provides international students with the opportunity to read about and analyze contemporary social and ethical issues through case studies. Students will enrich their understanding of today"s global society while simultaneously sharpening their academic English skills. The textbook portrays contemporary American culture; improves students" reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills through discussion and analysis of current issues; presents students with many viewpoints on ethical issues; helps students clarify their own values, ethics, and morals; improves students" cross-cultural communication skills by developing an increased sensitivity to and acceptance of cultural and personal differences; and eases international students" transition into social and academic life in the United States. Some of the topics addressed in Cultures in Contrast are culture shock, miscommunication, roommate relations, punctuality, sexual harassment, plagiarism, and racism and prejudice. Each chapter includes a list of films that explore the topic at hand. The book is structured according to the theory of collaborative learning.