Directory of Physicians in the US 2008: Single User (Directory of Physicians in the United States)
Experience the versatility of the CD-ROM version! Over 937,000 physicians are a click away!We"ve combined the convenience and power of advanced technology with the annually updated and comprehensive content of our best selling reference guide. The CD-ROM version of the Directory gives you the maneuverability to navigate quickly, create groups and the ability to store personal notes on each. With this CD-ROM, users can: search up to fifteen variables to narrow or broaden a search; create customized groups and add additional information; and, export up to 5,000 individual physician profiles (Note: "The Directory on CD-ROM" is not designed to allow complete downloads of the data). The CD-ROM offers a help screen, bookmarks, dropdown search menus, scrollbars and complete indices. It links to important AMA Web sites.