Angel Secrets: Transform Your Life with Guidance from Your Angels

Price 22.44 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781841813899

In this enchanting book, the "Angel Lady" - bestselling author Jacky Newcomb - shares secrets from the angelic realm, and takes you on a journey guided by the angels who embody the key principles of love, family, money, career and other important aspects of everyday life. You will discover angelic wisdom to enrich every aspect of your life, as well as fully-illustrated practical exercises and rituals that you can perform to create a closer connection with the angelic realm. Throughout the book Jacky shares true life stories of angelic intervention and visitation, with stunning contemporary angel images helping you visualize your own encounter with angels. Fresh, magical and beautiful, Jacky Newcomb"s Angel Secrets is the perfect guide to the angelic world.