My Soul Is Free
The Agony of Divorce! Her heart was broken. Her dreams were shattered. Vivianna"s world collapsed when her husband coldly stated, "I can"t give you the kind of love you need"! The Light of God! Their divorce was the darkest day of her life. This young Jewish mother of four cried out to God. Through the sunshine of His love, she found her Messiah and her soul was set free. Love"s Healing Power! Vivianna found newness of life in Jesus Christ. His love healed her broken heart, restored her hope and gave her a purpose for living. Now her greatest joy is to minister to others, showing them that God is there for them no matter how deep the valley or how severe the pain. There is healing for the scars of abuse and the pain of divorce. Like Vivianna, you can reach for the sunrise and begin your life anew.