Teach Yourself Cash Flow for Small Businesses

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780340966938

Do you have responsibility for managing cash flow in a small to medium enterprise or as a manager in a larger organisation but have limited financial experience? Do you worry that lack of attention to this crucial aspect of financial management could lead to disaster for your business? "Teach Yourself Cash Flow Management", written by two leading financial experts, will help employers, managers and consultants to understand more about how to manage cash flow and how it can impact on their business. Whether you are a one man band working at home, a growing business or a non-financial manager this book will guide you easily through all the issues, providing practical advice on why cash is king, including why businesses go bust and understanding why profit is not cash, how to deal with creditors and debtors; using supplier credit as a source of finance; debtors and cash collection, financial planning and sources of funding, the pros and cons of debt finance, using your bank effectively and much more on how to avoid the common pitfalls and dilemmas that can, in the worst instance, lead to bankruptcy.