Krasy Kiznich Cech
Nevim, kam driv bych vas mili ctenarky mel do jiznich cech pozvat. Zda do klidne krajiny s rybniky,lukami i lesy, nebo k hedinecym, stavebnim a umlecko-hisroticky pamatkam. co sand do nor vrchu a slati no jizno sumave.Vsude je to krasne, vsude za to stoji zit a byt. Opravdu si nevim rady a nabizim vam kraj cely, ve kterem si urcite vyberete to, co je vasemu srdci, vasim predstavam blizke. Zadne pero spisovatele ci basnika nedovede popsat vsechny ty krasy, s kterymi se tu sejdete, jako je dokaze zachytit bystre oko fotograficke kamery.Slova jsou asi prillis slaba. Prchavy okamzik, kdy cvakne spoust neni ale nicim proti trvalemu ktery v nas vzbuzuje pohled na vsechny ty zajimavosti a zvlastnosti...............................................................I do not know what to do first would you dear readers had to invite South Bohemia. Whether in the peaceful countryside with ponds, meadows and forests, or hedinecym, construction and artistic-hisroticky monuments. What do nor sand hill slate and no South sumave. Everywhere it is beautiful everywhere worth it live and be. I really do not know how and we offer you county cell in which you can certainly choose what is your heart, your ideas close. No pen writer or a poet, I can not describe all the beauty with which you meet here, as it can capture sharp eye photographic camera. The lyrics are about prillis weak. Fleeting moment when the shutter clicks but it is not nothing compared to permanent arouses in us look at all the attractions and peculiarities