The English Civil War: A Historical Companion
Price 39.56 USD
This comprehensive work of reference gives full consideration to the whole conflict, including its Welsh, Scottish, and Irish dimensions. Entries include biographies of the key personalities, key events, battles, military institutions of the conflict, the run-up to the conflict, the wars themselves, and the aftermath. From the St. Giles riots in Edinburgh in 1637 to the restoration of Charles II on May 8, 1660, this book provides all the facts and figures that an armchair general would ever need. This comprehensive work of reference gives full consideration to the whole conflict, including its Welsh, Scottish, and Irish dimensions. Entries include biographies of the key personalities, key events, battles, military institutions of the conflict, the run-up to the conflict, the wars themselves, and the aftermath. From the St. Giles riots in Edinburgh in 1637 to the restoration of Charles II on May 8, 1660, this book provides all the facts and figures that an armchair general would ever need.