The Mentor Quest: Practical Ways to Find the Guidance You Need

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781569553091

Brand Vine Books

Have you ever wished you could have your own mentor--someone who was older and wiser, someone who would be willing to help you learn and grow? Christians seem to talk about finding a mentor--or being one--as if it’s as easy as driving down to a neighborhood mentoring center and signing up for your very own personal life guide. Where are all these mentors? Betty Southard believes that our best mentors are all around us, and that we only need to develop "mentoring eyes" to identify the resources we already have. Look around--every one of us has parents, friends, co-workers, and neighbors who can mentor us in some special way. Sometimes, because our areas of expertise differ, we ourselves can mentor the same people who have mentored us. Since we need more help than we can get from personal relationships alone, we can also learn to see the mentoring potential in sermons, conferences, radio and TV ministries, and books (including the Bible), which help us benefit from the wisdom of fellow believers from long ago and far away. The possibilities are exciting. Stop hoping in vain for that one special, all-wise person to step forward as your mentor. Look at the wealth of resources around you. Start your own Mentor Quest today!