Locomotive and Rolling Stock Forecasts (Jane"s Special Reports)

Price 748.52 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780710614247

Offers market intelligence on the engine and rolling stock fleets of the world"s railway systems. The binder provides information on types, numbers and ages of locomotives, passenger and freight vehicles in service with railway and metro companies. It examines each system"s existing vehicle inventory, and identifies the models, numbers in service and original delivery dates. It also reviews current new procurement and upgrade programmes, system-by-system, and allows the reader to discover the name of contractors, the type of work in progress, value and estimated delivery dates. There are assessments of each system"s likely requirements, based on the age of existing equipment and their strategic plans for investment in routes, maintenance and new locomotives and rolling stock. The binder includes three updates, in March, June and September 1997.