Art and Interreligious Dialogue

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780819195548

This volume of essays is thematically governed by the notion of art as a vehicle for interreligious dialogue. The interfaces explored by the various contributors to this volume indicate the rich and complex definitions of religious and religions. In some instances, these faces are congruous with religious traditions, such as Buddhism and Christianity. In other cases, the conservational boundaries come closer together where pieces of art are examined within competing Christian theological options. In approaching the question of sacred images, the contributors raise issues which range across several disciplines, notably art and religion, psychology and religion, literature and religion, or science and mysticism. Contributors: Ilse Friesen, Mary Malone, Donna Kelly, Jo Beglo, A. F. Thompson, Nancy-Lou Patterson, Stephanie Walker, Hildi Froese-Tiessen, Jim Gollnick, M. Darrol Bryant, Michael Bird, and Anu Banerji.