Pesticide Residues in Food: 2004 (Fao Plant Production & Protection Paper No. 178)
The annual Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and WHO Core Assessment Group on Pesticide Residues was held in Rome, Italy, from 20 to 29 September 2004. The FAO Panel of Experts had met in Preparatory Sessions from 15 to 19 September. The meeting was held in pursuance of recommendations made by previous meetings and accepted by the governing bodies of FAO and WHO that studies should be undertaken jointly by experts to evaluate possible hazards to humans arising from the occurrence of pesticide residues in foods. This report contains information on ADIs, maximum residue levels and general principles for the evaluation of pesticides. The recommendations of the joint meeting, including further research and information, are proposed for use by Member Governments of the respective agencies and other interested parties.