Rebbe Nachman: This Land Is My Land (History, Conflict and Hope in the Land of Israel)
Price 18.35 USD
This Land is My Land explores the conceptual beginnings of the Holy Land dating back to Creation, and traces its history from the time of the Patriarchs to the present day. Along the way we learn of the conquering and settling of the Land by the Israelites under Joshua, its inhabitance during the epochs of the Judges, the Kings and the Prophets, and the upheavals it experienced during subsequent periods of Jewish exile, including the destruction of the First and Second Temples. This Land is My Land then gives an account of the Holy Land during the Dark and Middle Ages; throughout the aliyot(immigration) to her shores from different Diaspora communities; and during the early period of Hasidism, the Enlightenment and Zionism. It concludes with the story of the founding of the State of Israel and the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict until the present day.