The Power of 4: Your Ultimate Guide Guaranteed to Change Your Body and Transform Your Life

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781587768903

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } THE POWER OF 4 is a must read to experience your highest level of health, and look and feel your best ever. The four powers include nutrition, lifestyle, exercise and supplements. One of the author’s secrets for permanent fat loss, reversing and preventing disease and achieving life-long health is to implement two healthy changes each week. Every week the reader adds two more healthy habits. These small changes create long-term transformation to become the healthiest version of yourself. Discover health, vitality, longevity and fat loss secrets in The Power of 4: * Natural hormone balancing * Winning the war on adrenal fatigue * Tips to manage stress * How to change your thought process * Overcoming insomnia * Identifying and healing digestive issues * The top supplements for optimal health * Affirmations to achieve a life you’ll love * The importance of the breath and healing therapies * The best exercises for fat loss, hormone balance and a healthy body * Ingredients to avoid for health, vitality, longevity and fat loss * Natural modalities for aging well and eliminating common health complaints REVIEWS “Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Paula’s book is that it took so long for someone to transpire all of this information to share with the public,” said Harry O. Eidenier Jr., Ph.D. “I sincerely believe this book should be used as a text in any institution of higher learning where the student is pursuing a degree in nutrition, exercise physiology or dietetics.” “If you want practical, scientific and up-to-date information that will transform your health and your life, then add this incredible book by Paula Owens to your personal library.” ~Mark Houston, MD MS FACP FAHA Author “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypertension” “The Power of 4 provides truthful solutions for well-being, fat loss and total health.” ~Eric Serrano, M.D. Serrano Family Practice “The Power of 4 is a very informative book on how to navigate the challenges that are associated with today’s lifestyles. Paula provides insight, experience, and opportunities to create better health. Her research and experience gives unique insight that motivates one to recapture their optimal wellness. I recommend The Power of 4 to my new patients in an effort to empower them to feel better as quickly as possible.” ~Dr. Steve Osterhout, D.C. Specialized Family Chiropractic, Kalamazoo, MI