Political Ideals

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781406728392

POLITICAL IDEALSThis little book, an early epitome of Russells thought,appears for the first time in England. Capitalism,socialism and the organization of the world are examinedin the light of Russells strongest conviction: that everything of value comes ultimately from the individual.The only true aim of politics is therefore to give freeplay, as far as possible, to every mans natural creativity,and to curb, wherever they manifest themselves, thedeadening forces of acquisition, power and convention.The book was originally published in America in 1917.But in spite of all that has happened since then, it remains,vintage Russell, as valid as ever.by BERTRANO RUSSELLThe A.B.C. of RelativityThe Analysis of MatterHuman Society in Bthics and PoliticsThe Impact of Science on SocietyNew Hopes for a Changing WorldAuthority and the IndividualHuman Knowledge Its Scope and LimitsHistory of Western PhilosophyHie Principles of MathematicsIntroduction to Mathematical PhilosophyThe Analysis of AtindOur Knowledge of the External WorldAn Outline of PhilosophyThe Philosophy of LeibnizAn Inquiry into Aeaning and TruthLogic and KnowledgeThe Problems of PhilosophyPrincipia AmaMy Philosophical DevelopmentCommon Sense and Nuclear WarfareHas Alan a Future?Why I am not a ChristianPortraits from MemoryFact and FictionUnpopular EssaysPowerIn Praise of IdlenessThe Conquest of HappinessSceptical EssaysMysticism and LogicThe Scientific OutlookMarriage and MoralsEducation and the Social OrderOn EducationFreedom and Organization,Principles of Social ReconstructionRoads to FreedomPractice and Theory of BolshevismProspects of Industrial Civilizationvrith ora, RussellThe Basic Writings of Bertrand RusseHedited by Lester E. Denoriri and Robert E. EgnerBertrand Russells Bestedited by Robert B Egnerthe Suburbst: PersonsBERTRAND RUSSELLPOLITICAL IDEALSFOREWORDThis book was written in 1917, but was published onlyin America. It was intended to be delivered as lectures, butthe War Office prevented this. The first chapter was to havebeen given as a lecture in Glasgow with Robert Smillie,President of the Miners Federation, in the Chair. Justbefore it was to have been delivered, the Governmentforbade me to enter what were called prohibited areas,among which Glasgow was included.These areas included everything near the sea coast, andthe order was intended against spies to prevent them fromsignalling to German submarines. The War Office, however,was kind enough to say that it did not suspect me of beinga spy for the Germans. It only charged me with incitingindustrial disaffection in order to stop the war.It was announced that Smillie wdtild take over theGlasgow meeting in spite of my inevitable absence. In fact,he delivered the lecture, which I had intended to give.The audience were somewhat surprised by the differencefrom his usual style. But at the very end he announcedthat he had been giving my banned lecture. The Government was too dependent upon coal to proceed against him.BERTRAND RUSSELL