
Price 59.65 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 801655108628

Manufacture S & J Cd Duplication

Indigenous Womb is a blending of rhythmic and verbal art forms. With musical elements spanning from hip hop, to reggae and dancehall, the womb creates a distinctive sound when all elements are blended together. The vocals are delivered by four artists, with Vex Bliss, Signifire, Amen, and Bahamas native Ras Dan Sealy incorporating the reggae/dancehall elements/chatterbox. The production is headed by DJ Sseleman laying the framework down that delves into the various existential affairs from the geopolitical, conspiratorial, environmental, social, esoteric, theological, and other aspects of ancient wisdoms and historical archetypes long forgotten. With the re-release of their debut full length LP Concept-shun in July 2007, the Womb remains diligent and hungry in 2007 pushing their aggressive style into 2008 and beyond.