Mosaics: Focusing on Sentences in Context, Canadian Edition

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780131275607

The Mosaics series for English composition is designed to help you become a better writer, a critical thinker, and a more effective reader. Mosaics: Focusing on Sentences in Context is the third in a series of three books that offer a consistent voice for you to learn alongside, and a smooth progression from sentences to paragraphs and finally to essays. The series is built on the following fundamental assumptions: You build confidence in your ability to read and write by reading and writing. You learn best from discovery and experimentation rather than from instruction and abstract discussions. You learn both individually and collaboratively. Mosaics: Focusing on Sentences in Context, First Canadian Edition, hones your sentence-writing skills and helps more advanced students brush up on their writing, grammar, and sentence skills. The text provides Canadian cultural, historical, and geographical references, as well as references and writing samples from respected Canadian authors such as Douglas Coupland, Leah McLaren, and Margaret Wente. This text will help you write better sentences, become a better researcher, and succeed in more advanced writing!